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TEODORO SÁEZ HERMOSILLA, was born in Fuentebureba (Burgos) on the 9th of November of 1946. He holds a degree in Roman Philology, which he obtained at the University of Salamanca in 1970. He is a French professor. He was a hired and provisional teacher at the University of Extremadura (Cáceres) from 1975 to 1981. He left forced by the Law of Incompatibility promoted by the democratic government of the U.C.D. and could not re-access Higher Education, despite numerous attempts, at the Faculty of Translation and Information Science of the University of Salamanca given certain "reasons" which he was - and still is - unable to understand. He achieved his doctorate at the University of Extremadura in 1980, by presenting his thesis under the title Verlaine en castellano, a revision and critique of all or almost every translation of the great French poet done in Spain and Latin America until the presentation of the thesis.

Taking into account that "poor Lelián" is one of the most, or even the most translated, poets in Spanish, the reviewer is currently preparing a research project about the six new translations which have followed those compared and criticised until 1980. He obtained his diploma in English Philology at the University of Salamanca in 1994 after more than 25 years of independent study and practice of Shakespeare's language. He has worked in the field of philosophy of language and translation, dealing with all three aspects: theory, application and practice, especially in poetic translation critique and, secondly, in pragmatic translation. He is particularly recognised as a theorist, unlike others who are considered historians or pedagogues, etc. and is included among the best, given the innovate and revolutionary nature of his thesis. He has participated on a regular basis in Courses, Symposiums, Colloquies, Congresses of Writers, Seminars, Congresses, etc. since 1980. He belongs to the Spanish Association of Reprographic Rights (C.E.D.R.O.), the Association of Writers of Spain (A.C.E.) and the Autonomous Section of Book Translators (S.A.L.T.). He also is a member of the Noésis French-Spanish Group (which belongs to the Universities of Pau and Zaragoza), of the French- Salmantina Cultural Association, etc. and has published up until today the following books and articles. (Only those papers, learned papers, conferences, seminars and workshops in which he has participated in an active manner are included) His work as a writer in general and as a poet in particular is less known at the moment, although it is not less intense in its vocational aspect, which dates back to his teenage and even childhood years. He wrote articles and essays as an amateur for newspapers and local publications while he was a student. Later on, he wrote poems which were published periodically in journals and dailies. However, he was not determined until the age of 40 to collect and publish his scattered poetic compositions. One can find a first book composed of a selection of poems which were published in university journals under the title Crepitación de ausencias. Three books have been published after this one. He believes the field of literary creation is, not only the origin and leaven of all his personal production, but also - and he has always been completely sure about this - a previous and necessary condition in order to start off any kind of a possible theory of translation and of language in general as well all critique of poetry or poetic translation which are achieved, interesting, believable and of a true foundation and an unlimited reach. Regarding this part of his work he has belonged for years to the Prometeo Poetry Association which is located in Madrid and has branches and influence all over the Spanish-speaking world. He is also a member of the Álamo Group in the city in which he works.